The IT Committee is always looking for new motivated people to join the committee. Check out the available projects below.
Team Leaders are people capable of leading our teams, people who are motivated and want to use the opportunity to move ESN forward. In general a team leader takes ownership of a project, communicates its needs towards Chairing Team and assign tasks to regular members. Of course with this position comes official recognition within International ESN IT community, infinite fame and glory!
Team Members are people with limited available time as well as responsibility, Members are assigned to specific tasks by their Team Leader or ITcom CT directly. This position comes also with fame and glory however amount of credits is limited ;)
Web-design Team
System Administration Team
IT Maintenance
ESNlive 2.0
Helpcenter 2.0
IT Support & Documentation
We're the geekiest Committee of all! ITcom takes care of the development and maintenance of all IT projects in ESN International. From Satellite to the Event Registration System, from ESNapp to ESNapi, we are the ones in charge.
Interested in showing your magical skills to the network? We are looking for new members in several teams.
Join us by sending your CV and motivation letter to [email protected].